Adam – Member Interview
Adam's casino journey got off to a slow start, and he was close to giving up. Fortunately, he persevered. He has now made over £7,000 profit with Team Casino over the past year. All the more impressive given he's looking after lively kids – find out how below!
Joined Team Casino: June 2019
Average EV Per Week: £120
Average Hours Per Week: 10
Total EV: £6,300
Total Profit: £7,200

*As of 6th August 2020
What Made You Interested In Starting Casino?
My wife and I had been looking for a second income that was simple, could be done in our spare time, and was possible whilst looking after our lively kids.
I started matched betting and made some profit, but was frustrated at the time involved. I made a couple of mistakes when the kids distracted me and decided it wasn’t a great fit for me.
I took some advice from others and tried low risk casino, and I haven’t looked back since.
Casino offers fit in well with my lifestyle. I’ve also seen much more consistent returns with casino vs MB, which meant that I didn’t ‘have’ to do both
Why Did You Join Team Casino?
I did a small number of casino offers, and could see how they worked. But I was constantly hunting for offers and didn’t always know which ones were worth doing.
Team Casino was great. I could start with a £1 trial and they did all the hard work for me.
The profit tracker gave me an easy way to track my progress and meant I didn’t have to use a pad and pen any more! I signed up whilst sitting on a beach on holiday and haven’t looked back!
Were You Nervous At First? How Did You Overcome Your Concerns?
Terrified! It took me a while to pluck up the courage to start. I agreed with my wife that I’d ‘invest’ £500 of my MB profit and if I lost it, it would have been a risk free punt.
At first, I couldn’t get my head around how expected value would align to profit over time.
I’d been matched betting for about 18 months. Whilst profiting from free bets made sense, I was worried that I'd be throwing away money by using casinos.
In the end, a few things helped.
The Team Casino guides are brilliant. Written in language that’s easy to understand, the step-by-step guides make it so easy to do offers.
The profit tracker is also brilliant. It allows you to easily see your performance of EV and profit….even if it isn’t immediately going the way you want. Tracking it gave me comfort that I was in control of what I was doing.
Low risk casino, for me, is like a mini religion; you’ve got to start off with faith. Over time once you get to understand it and love it, you believe….and then start preaching it to anyone else that cares to listen!
At What Point Did You: “Trust The EV”?
After I did over 1,000 offers, I noticed a correlation between my profit and EV. It wasn’t exact but if trended in the right direction.
With logic dictating that the trend should continue, I carried on. The EV and profit have more or less matched ever since.
What Would You Say To Newbies That Are Having A Slow Start?
Simple; look at my graph. I stuck it out, and I’m really glad I did. There’s loads of advice from Team Casino and its members, use it. We’re a friendly bunch.
How Does Low Risk Casino Fit Into A Typical Day?
I wanted to make sure that casino offers fit into my life, not the other way around.
I’ve got 2 kids and a full time job, so I tend to do offers whenever I have a few minutes to spare.
I do the free games first thing in the morning, whilst I am having a coffee/getting dressed for work. After a while, these become an automatic process that you can do without much thought.
I then flick through the daily reload offers to see if there are any time-bound ones I need to be aware of, and make a note to do those by whatever time it says.
When I’m at work, and go out for a smoke break, I’ll maybe do one or 2 of the regular offers, like the Sky Casino Spin Lounge. When you get into a routine, you spend 60 seconds logging in, opting in, and setting auto-spins and then carry on with whatever else you’re doing.
The majority of my time spent on offers is in the evening when I get home and the kids have gone to sleep. It’s easy to work through the offers on your phone whilst you’re watching TV or walking the dog.
My free time was usually spent robotically scrolling through Facebook. I now use it to make me money. If you get into a routine of loading up Team Casino whilst watching TV, you’ll surprise yourself with how many offers you can get through.
Do You Have Any Targets?
I aim to do 300 offers a month and around £500 EV.
I’d love to make £500 profit per month, and it's averaged out to be about that so far. But, likes with many things, the more effort you put in, the more you tend to get back
Have You Had Any Gubbings, And How Have You Maintained Your Results?
I’ve had a tonne of gubbings! It hurt when I lost paddy and sky in the same week.
It did feel like a hammer blow at the time but there are so many casinos out there, and lots of different offers. Try to do a new sign up for every gubbing you get, that’ll keep you going.
What Are Your Top Tips For Being Successful?
Follow the Team Casino guides and don’t go rogue; they are there to help you. If you have questions, the Team Casino Facebook Group is very active and there’s always someone there to help.
Set aside at least £100 that you’re comfortable losing. Then commit to doing a certain number of offers and stick with it. It’s easy to get dishearted if you have a slow start, to think “maybe I’m just not lucky and this isn’t for me, I’ll stop/go back to matched betting”.
When I started, I had a bad run and didn’t make any profit until I had completed over 300 offers. Yes, 300 offers and I was still at breakeven. I was close to packing it in and calling it a day, but I knew I had to focus on the EV and trust that it would materialise in to profit. Which takes me to my next tip…
Trust the EV! This is critical; if you can’t put faith and trust in the logic behind low risk casino, you should stop reading now. Whilst we are in it to make profit, the EV is where you need to focus. Over time, your profit will come roughly into line with your Expected Value.
Think of your low risk casino journey as you starting your own casino. If you ended up paying out loads to a few lucky punters on your opening night, would you close up shop? Absolutely not, because it’s a long term play, and that’s how you have to think about it.
If you value your time, use auto spins. It’s tempting to sit and stare at your phone whilst its spinning to see how much you’re up/down. This is bad for a few reasons; if you’re down, it’ll only make you upset/angry. If you’re up, you stare at you’re phone/laptop to make sure you stay up. But the end result will be the same.
What Are Your Plans Going Forwards?
I'm saving every penny I can so we can buy a bigger house. Team Casino has had a massive positive impact on this, which keeps me motivated to keep smashing as many offers as I can.
Incredible Results So Far Adam! Many thanks for taking the time to speak with us!
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