Richard – Member Interview
Full-time matched bettor, Richard, was one of Team Casino's first members back in July 2019. Fast forward 1 year, and he has achieved a profit of over £12,000!
In this very insightful interview, Richard shares some amazing advice to help you on your way to casino success. Keep reading to find out more.
Average EV Per Week: About £150
Average Hours Per Week: It varies, but about 3 hours a day casino, so about 20 hours a week-ish!
Overall Results

- Total EV: £8,760*
- Total Profit: £12,200*
*As of 6th August 2020
How Long Have You Been Doing Casino Offers?
My matched betting journey has been a strange topsy turvy journey one!
I started in August 2018. Instead of doing some matched betting first, I did low risk casino up until January 2019. I was a bit intimidated to start the actual betting side.
When I realised matched betting was nothing to be scared of, I pretty much stopped all but the risk-free casino offers.
When I was invited to join Team Casino in July 2019, I decided to give it a go.
I've now been with Team Casino for about 13 months, and have made about £12,000 profit in that time (vs £8700 EV)!
What Were Your Biggest Concerns About Casino?
Losing all my cash!! I was petrified that I was going to end up throwing all my money away, not having a clue what I was doing!
I read, and read, and then read again. I knew it was so important to understand how the offers worked before starting them. But, casino offers work in many different ways so it was a nightmare to learn how each site and its offers work!
This is where Team Casino were so helpful, with their amazing guides and detailed instructions for every offer
The only way to overcome your fears is to conquer them. So after reading the Getting Started guides, I took it slowly, asked lots of questions and only did offers I felt comfortable with!
What does your average day look like and how does low risk casino fit into it?
As a dad of two young children, at primary school, doing matched betting full time (since April 2019) no two days are ever the same!
I usually try and do about an hour of low risk casino in the morning. I'll check the reloads section on Team Casino, follow the price boost’s thread in the Team Profit group and generally plan my day before the girls are up.
I try and get the risk free/very low risk offers done in this hour. They can be a bit tedious but as they are risk free always worth it!
I have had a few decent wins off the free games. For example a £74 win from 3x 10p spins on Gala one morning and a £288 win from 10 free spins from the William Hill Big Wheel!
You never know what’s coming with casino, so for as long as I am matched betting i will always do the free games!
Then it is into the mad rush of getting the girls fed, dressed etc before getting them to school. When I get back I have a couple of hours to get on any matched betting offers. I'll check the Team Casino Reloads again, as well as the Facebook Groups etc.
About midday I will have another hour doing low risk casino offers, then grab some dinner and get ready for any horse racing offers for a couple of hours.
Then it’s family time when the kids come home, homework, tea, baths, playing etc etc!
Once the kids are in bed I usually do my final hour catching up on casino offers I’ve missed, tallying up my day and planning for the following day. If I'm lucky, maybe a beer and some footy while this missus is doing her nails or somat lol!
Could you give us your top tip/s for being successful at casino offers?
Firstly and most obviously JOIN TEAM CASINO!!!
Before Team Casino, I never thought this was something I would be getting into!
The offers confused me and I was terrified at the thought of losing my money.
I can honestly say that the guys and gals at Team Casino are doing a great job of making things a million times easier!
I am very organised and borderline OCD and the whole Team Casino setup makes things soo soo much easier.
The offers are listed in categories by risk. Then there is the EV of every offer, slot RTPs, and step by step instructions that anybody could follow
It is so much more productive for me and with the EV tracker you can see exactly where you are!
I find myself doing offers I would have dismissed in the past from either sheer confusion or being too scared. Now I can see what I am doing so clearly.
If i have a run of bad luck the graph is there to remind me that it’s a normal part of doing casino offers. That I should focus on my longer term results, which have been amazing so far.
I have received so much help from the likes of Josh and Tom along with countless friendly members in the group. For the under £4 a week it costs I personally think you’d be mad not to become a Team Casino member! Further little tips I would list are:
Track All Your Offers – Team Casino have set up a pending offer/reminder system. This helps massively with keeping track of what free spins and bonuses you are due.
- Ask Questions! If you don’t understand something then ask ask ask! There are so many people in the Facebook Group that will go out of their way to help so always ask first!
- Take your time and work at a speed that you are comfortable with. We are all guilty of looking at others profits like a green eyed monster I still do it myself but don’t rush things!
- Trust the EV. When things are going well don’t get too carried and when things are going bad trust they will turn around! In my personal experience, the EV always levels itself out in the end! Try not to judge things day by day we are in this for the long haul!!
Set yourself goals. Perhaps weekly EV targets to try and push yourself. I will often get distracted by something on Facebook or some scantily clad diva on a music video….but as they say….time is money!!
Amazing results so far Richard, and some brilliant advice for newbies! Many thanks for taking the time to speak with us!
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